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2015年02月01日 13:35








/ Reuters, PALM BEACH, FloridaUS president-elect Donald Trump on Saturday left open the possibility of meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) if she visits the US after he is sworn in on Jan. 20 and also expressed continued skepticism over whether Russia was responsible for computer hacks of US Democratic Party officials.In remarks to reporters upon entering a New Year’s Eve celebration at his Mar-a-Lago estate, Trump said: “We’ll see,” when pressed on whether he would meet Tsai if she were to be in the US at any point after he becomes president.Tsai is to transit in Houston on Saturday and in San Francisco on Friday next week on her way and from a trip to Central America.Beijing bristled when Trump, a few weeks after his Nov. 8 victory, accepted a congratulatory telephone call from Tsai and has warned against steps that would upset the “one China” policy China and the US have maintained for decades.Talk of a stop-over by Tsai in the US has further rattled Washington-Beijing relations.On another foreign policy matter, Trump warned against being quick to pin the blame on Russia for the hacking of US e-mails. The Washington Post on Friday reported that Moscow could be behind intrusion into a laptop owned by a Vermont electric utility.US intelligence officials have said that they are confident Russia was behind the hacks, which could have played a role in Trump’s defeat over failed US presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.“I think it’s unfair if we don’t know. It could be somebody else. I also know things that other people don’t know so we cannot be sure,” Trump said.Asked what that information included, the Republican president-elect said: “You will find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”He did not elaborate.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

(中央社記者戴雅真台北1日電)行政院發言人徐國勇今天參加元旦升旗後,回家吃早餐誤食姑婆芋送急診,目前在家靜養,但仍閒不住在臉書說,有朋友問他政治圈有沒有姑婆芋?他回答是「勿政家常年菜食譜大全治化。」 徐國勇PO出「芋」照告訴大家,「這才是食用芋頭!!」 他說,「大概是姑婆芋自己混水摸『芋』的長到後院所種的芋頭裡面,被拔來煮了!真的很可怕!麻、刺,如千針在刺喉、刺胃。姑婆呀!我被你嚇壞了!」 徐國勇也表示,「有朋友說:社會政治圈裡有沒有姑婆芋?在刺痛這社會!我回:勿政治化!我喉嚨發炎,暫時不能發言!讓我趁機休息二天!」1060101


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